Polling is an extremely valuable tool for engaging attendees and capturing insights. We work with our partners to include polling questions in the meeting plan at the right time and in the right way to collect the relevant information. But what happens when you want to ‘read the room,’ per se, and assess attendee sentiment? For that, Array has Snap Polls that quickly and easily let you do so without interrupting the speaker or the flow of content.
During the meeting, the moderator (or other client expert) can simply ask our technicians to create a Snap Poll. Your question pops up on the Array platform and attendees quickly choose an emoji based response without being distracted from the topic at hand. Want to know how information on a particular slide is being received? Ask, “Do you agree with this statement?” and let attendees respond with an emoji such as a check mark (✅) or an X or a thumbs up or down (👍/👎). Maybe the moderator sees what appear to be similar questions coming through the Q&A and wants to know if there’s enough interest to cue the speaker to delve deeper. You can send a Snap Poll asking how interested participants are in this topic and they can rank it a Bronze, Silver or Gold, or even rate it with fire (🔥) or ice (🧊).
With snap polls, you have greater flexibility to gauge sentiment when you feel it would benefit the meeting or provide deeper insights to use later.
Get in touch with us to learn more.